We offer technical production of hybrid and live events, conferences and meetings with visuals and projection management, live streaming and simultaneous language interpretation for your live and remote audience. We can also record your events and stream them to multiple platforms simultaneously in different languages.

Live streaming
We can record and/or stream with multiple cameras to any streaming platform or app, or multiple platforms simultaneously. The recording of your event will also be available immediately after the event so you can edit short segments for social media.
Technical production of hybrid conferences
We are experienced in technical production of complex hybrid events with language interpretation and multilingual live streams, including sign languages. We can bring your meetings and conferences to the next level.
Projection and IMAG management
Alongside of multi-camera live stream direction, we also manage all the visuals, presentations and other multimedia. We can also enlarge your speakers and put them on the big screen (IMAG - image magnification), which is good for large venues so your audience can see your speaker better.

Sound amplification (PA) and recording
We can offer you a PA system (sound amplification) and even create different audio mixes, for the venue, for the live stream and for different language channels.
We offer basic stage lighting. Proper lighting is crucial for good picture quality, it focuses your audience's attention to your speakers and creates ambience.
Our profesional photographers will capture all the important moments and make the photos adequate size and quality for easy publishing on the social media.
Music and theatrical events
We are experienced in recording and live streaming concerts and theatre plays.
Remote production (REMI)
Remote integration model, also known as REMI and at-home production, is a method of live production for television broadcasts and video distribution that transmits live feeds to a single centralized production facility or workflow for integration into a finished feed, which is then distributed to broadcasters. (source: wikipedia) This model of production combines streaming from remote locations and managing the visual mixing at a central location. We can send you a package that includes all the necessary equipment that you can set up at a remote location (we guide you through the process). After the set-up, we can do the rest from our central location.
We focus on quality production, but we are ready to adjust the production level to your budget. Maybe it'll be a more modest production, maybe you can help out with the logistics, but we'll try to make the best with the budget we have.

Virtual event, hybrid event, live stream...???
What's the difference between a virtual event, hybrid event and a live stream?
Live stream
Trasmitting the video and sound from a venue to Youtube, Facebook or any other platform. Online viewers can ask questions via chat, but cannot participate directly.
Hybrid event
The venue audience and online audience can participate in discussions, asking questions directly via camera. Communication is direct, simultaneous and both-sided. All the participants can see and hear each other.
Virtual event
All the participants are online. We offer technical support in the sense of virtual room management, scheduling, visual and presentation management, screen sharing and resolving any technical issues (assisting your participants remotely).
What is important in hybrid event production?
The concept of hybrid participation implies that the participants at the venue and the online participants both have a similar experience. Hybrid events are NOT just live streams.. With hybrid events, the online participants can also give presentations, participate in discussions and ask questions. The hybrid event production must consider all the aspects - what does the audience at the venue see and hear? What do the online participants see and hear? Is the picture and sound quality good? Is it hard to see or hear?
How to improve the sound quality?
Use handheld microphones or lavaliers. Hold the handheld microphones steady and very close to your mouth. We can always turn the sound down, but we can't turn it up if your microphone is too far because we'll get feedback.
Bare in mind that if you can't hear your voice on the PA, it also cannot be heard by the online audience.
It is important to setup a "mix minus" with the conferencing apps, to avoid any echos (hearing yourself with delay), which can be very confusing and distracting.
How to improve the picture quality?
Other than using professional cameras, it's important to have a lot of light from the front (and avoid any strong backlight). Artificial lighting such as fluorescent tubes or bad quality LEDs can render unnatural skin-tone colors and flickering. With our lighting, you're guaranteed to get natural colors.
What the audience sees? What is being broadcast?
The venue audience sees the speakers and their presentations at the venue as usual, but when a remote speaker joins, their live image is shown on the projector, along with their presentation. The online audience sees a seamless switch between the venue speakers and remote speakers.
What do the remote speakers see while giving their presentation?
The remote speakers initially see the same video feed as the rest of the online audience and they can follow the presentations of other speakers, but when it's their turn, we send them a special return feed so they can view the audience and see their reactions.
Can we charge tickets for viewing the stream?
Yes! We do not offer this service directly, but there are online ticketing services which we can integrate into our production. One of such services in our region is Entrio. You can register your event on their website and send us the technical information that you receive from them so we can send our live stream to them.
Special audio-visual solutions
If you need a special technical solution, whether it's a temporary or permanent installation, feel free to contact us.
Examples of special solutions:
- Transmitting image and sound between two locations without any delay.
- Accesibility for the Deaf - providing a projection of live sign language interpretation or including the sign language interpreter as a picture-in-picture on the live stream. The interpreter doesn't need to be on location, we can do it remotely.
- Remote production - our technical room doesn't need to be in the same space. We can send you a package with the basic equipment that you can setup yourself, with our guidance. This can reduce production costs for events on remote locations.
Examples of our work
Here you can see some examples of our work.
Hybrid events and live streams
For the Balkantage in Munich, we did a complex production of 2 parallel live streams to Youtube with simultaneous language intepretation to two sign languages and auto-generated captions. The audience at the venues could also see two sign language interpreters on a separate screen. Auto-generated captions were also provided. We also brought in remote speakers over Zoom.
We successfuly produced the hybrid conference "Ambitious future for women after pandemic" from the House of Europe, organized by the Office of the EU parliament in Croatia. We solved many technical challenges such as distributing language channels, managing the visuals and multimedia for the projector and directing the live stream with multiple cameras.
During the lockdown we streamed a concert by Killed A Fox, where we gained experience in calling the shots for a rock concert.
Three brilliant young guitar players turned to us for technical support, so we live streamed their concert from the Croatian Music Institute, just before the building was closed for renovation. Instead of inserting visual, we opted for a more classic approach of having a commentator announce each composition.
Prenosili smo niz koncerata učenika i učenica Glazbene škole Zlatka Grgoševića u Sesvetama, te im se zahvaljujemo na ukazanom povjerenju. Stream su pratile specijalno dizajnirane grafike čiji dizajn potpisuje dizajnerica Ana Svalina.
Snimanje i montaža
U svrhu prikupljanja donacija za potresom oštećenu zgradu Hrvatskog glazbenog zavoda, čelistica Romana Šimbera odlučila je snimiti video na prašnjavoj i oštećenoj pozornici te time podići svijest građana o važnosti HGZ-a za kulturu grada.
Sada već davne 2016. godine imali smo jedan od prvih angažmana vezanih za Zagrebačku filharmoniju, te smo pokretima kamere uspješno pratili dinamiku glazbenog djela i upada pojedinih dionica orkestra.
Za prvi koncert Ansambla Oktos u Hrvatskom glazbenom zavodu složili smo vrlo efektnu rasvjetu i isprogramirali promjene sheme boja u skladu s karakterom svake skladbe. Tijekom snimanja i montaže pazili smo da pratimo upade pojedinih instrumenata, kao i na to da cjelokupna dinamika videa bude u skladu s glazbenom dinamikom.
Davne 2014. za potrebe koncerta Darka Žuka u muzeju Mimara htjeli smo da snimka lebdi i teče baš poput djela Wagnera i Liszta, pa smo koristili kran i slider. Ovo je ujedno jedna od naših prvih koncertnih snimki. Rezultat možete pogledati u videu gore.
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About us
Lit Produkcija, obrt za audiovizualnu produkciju
Nudimo usluge snimanja i live prijenosa koncerata, predstava, konferencija, razgovora i drugih događaja uživo, kao i tehničku realizaciju konferencija i hibridnih događaja.
Naše usluge su dostupne na prostoru cijele Hrvatske i u zemljama regije.
Primjere našeg rada možete vidjeti ovdje.
Naš etički kodeks nalazi se ovdje.
E-mail: info@litprodukcija.com
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